New Beer On Tap: Pathological Lager


New Beer On Tap: Pathological Lager

We've got a new beer in our "Friends Don't Let Friends Vote Drumpf" series. This new beer is actually an ale, but is cheekily called "A Pathological Lager," because sometimes, it seems, the truth doesn't really matter. The many, many terrific yuuge name - the greatest! - was sent over by Dock Street fans Erin Carlson and Mark Amoroso, who, we assume, are good people.


ICYMI: Chill Moody Brewed + Performed at Dock Street


ICYMI: Chill Moody Brewed + Performed at Dock Street

Dock Street and artist Chill Moody brewed up a few batches of nicethings IPA earlier this month for Round 1 of our collab, and when Chill came to Dock Street to co-host the release/tasting/voting party a couple weeks ago, all of it sold out in just over two hours.


Chill Moody is Brewing nicethings At Dock Street


Chill Moody is Brewing nicethings At Dock Street

One of the many self-evident truths about Dock Street (besides our dedication to the Pursuit of Hoppiness) is that we harbor a lot of respect for music and hip-hop culture. Our next toast to the art comes in the form of nicethings IPA, a beer collaboration co-brewed by our friend, West Philly neighbor, and one of the hardest working artists in the game, Chill Moody.
